Performance and Quality
New Zealand Windows Standard
There’s a strict quality standard for windows and doors in New Zealand: it’s called NZS 4211:2008 Specification for Performance of Windows. The New Zealand Building Code, clause E2/VM1, 1.2c, requires that window and door units be manufactured and tested to NZS 4211 to the relevant wind zone. Only windows and doors that comply with the standard will comply with the New Zealand Building Code.
Our products comply with NZS 4211:2008 standard.
Quality is in Our DNA
In Alumi we follow a modern project quality management framework to ensure the product quality. There are three management areas that we focus on:
We plan quality - This is the process of identifying quality requirements and/or standards for the project and its deliverables, and documenting how the project will demonstrate compliance with quality requirements and/or standards.
We manage quality - This is the process of translating the quality management plan into executable quality activities that incorporate our quality policies into every project.
We control quality - This is the process of monitoring and recording the results of executing the quality management activities to assess performance and ensure the products are complete, correct and meet customer and quality requirements.